Matrakçı Nasuh- The 16th Century multipotentialite Ottoman statesman

  16th-century Bosniak statesman of the Ottoman Empire, polymath, mathematician, teacher, historian, geographer, cartographer, swordmaster, navigator, inventor, painter, farmer, and miniaturist. This is the Multipotentialite Ottoman Statesman Matracki Nasuh. (1480-1564)

Matracki nasuh commonly known for his invention for the game of Matrak, this ottoman statesman was a gifted swordsman, mathematician and a lot more. He can not go unnoticed when one studies Ottoman history especially when it comes to his immense contribution to the art of miniature.

when I came across a Turkish series based on the life of Kanuni (lawgiver) the magnificent Sultan Suleiman the portrayal of matrakci in it is eyecatching for every artist's eye. Fond of history and keen to know more about this incredible person I started searching more about his works and contributions. Although there is a lot to discover and describe about his incredible work his work as a miniaturist is what I wish to focus on. 

 The miniature works of matracki nasuh are more of a panoramic view of the landscapes where he developed a naturalist style of painting. Famous for his miniatures his style was further popular as the matracki style in the miniatures. His landscape miniatures were precisely detailed wherein one could spot every building or structure of the city. most important of his four historic volumes of miniatures is the one dealing with  Suleiman I's Safavid war, upon which he had written his historical work Fetihname-i Karabuğdan. Besides illustrating the march of the Ottoman army from Istanbul to Baghdad and then Tabriz and its return via Halab and Eskisehir, Nasuh also includes all the cities met by the army along the way. These panoramic views of the cities beautifully blended into the miniature style which also can be viewed as a detailed map are works worth watching. In his hometown Visoko, in Bosnia, annual conferences are held in honour of the most important people from Visoko, and Matrakčija is considered one of the most important.

This is the incredible Matracki Nasuh also referred at times as the Leonardo of the east.

Image Source: Pinterest

Funnyman Nasuh (  

(Note:I have tried to pen down as much i could find and know with sole purpose for people to come across the amazing artist and his work)


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